Register now and get a video lesson as a GIFT - How to draw quick portraits at home, on the road, or in a cafe?
You'll draw 2 portrait sketches
Learn how to draw quick portraits at home, on the road, or in a cafe
See why it's important to practice sketching every day
Discover best paper and useful materials for making sketches
Find out how much time it takes to prepare a sketch
Who is this 2-Day workshop for:
For people who have never drawn and don't know where to start
For those who already draw, but are afraid to take on portraits, thinking it's very difficult
For those who paint and draw portraits and want to learn new techniques and tricks from a renowned master
The program of our free 2-Day Workshop
Day 1
Day 1
- Learn all the stages of drawing a human portrait with a pencil - Analyze the features of depicting a human face - Understand how to determine proportions - Learn about light shading and see how to apply it - Learn how to draw a face from life - Draw three sketches for your future portrait
Day 2
Day 2
Draw a portrait of a woman based on one of your first day sketches
Once you understand how to draw with a pencil, you can successfully develop in the direction that interests you: painting, design, digital art, etc.
Anyone can do it!
A systematic step-by-step approach will make the drawing process clear and simple
Enjoy drawing
If you have all the basic knowledge of drawing, the creative process will bring you pleasure, because you will get the desired result without fear that something will go wrong
Portraits created by Ivan Loginov
Works by Ivan's students:
"If you create an artistic image, it's going to have an imprint of you anyway, that's why art is valued, as it represents the emotional experience of a moment and the ability to capture it."
Register now and get a video lesson as a GIFT - How to draw quick portraits at home, on the road, or in a cafe?
You'll draw 2 portrait sketches
Learn how to draw quick portraits at home, on the road, or in a cafe
See why it's important to practice sketching every day
Discover best paper and useful materials for making sketches
Find out how much time it takes to prepare a sketch
These are 2 online lessons with a world-renowned master. The recordings of the lessons will not be provided.
All lessons will be held as scheduled on our platform. Links and reminders will be sent to your email.
After registration, you will receive an email with a link to access the workshop training where you will find all the necessary materials and access links to online sessions with the artist. Be sure to check the spam folders if you don't find the email in your mailbox.
Yes, absolutely. You need to register, only after the registration you will be able to access the video lessons and the workshop materials. Otherwise, the system will not recognize you.
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